Want to find more companies similar to your customers on LinkedIn? We’ll show you how to target your desired audience from all the members of the network. This will allow you to grow your list of prospects and be able to contact them later.
What is a similar audience?
As a professional, you are probably looking for similar audiences to your ideal clients. In logic, companies that resemble the profiles of businesses you have a good relationship with, are more likely to become your future clients.
Like Facebook, LinkedIn has implemented a similar “Lookalike” audience system on its social network. With a little setup, you can build a new list of business profiles that are likely to respond favorably to your offers. Similar audiences can be quite powerful on LinkedIn because of its ability to find users based on the information on their profiles.
The value of targeting companies that are similar to your customers
In a business development and lead generation strategy, targeting similar companies can have many advantages:
- Reach companies with high conversion potential: targeting by similar audience allows you to reach companies similar to those who already like you.
- More effective prospecting campaigns: This type of targeting gives you the ability to increase the reach of campaigns and reach more qualified prospects.
- Target new businesses: Until now, you may have had a specific type of business, but with similar audience targeting, you’ll likely discover businesses you hadn’t considered.
How do I search for similar companies on LinkedIn?
The similar audience filter on LinkedIn offers the ability to match your customers’ characteristics with similar profiles. Let’s take a look at how you build a new list of prospects in your prospecting process.
Start by researching the companies you work with.
Log into LinkedIn Sales Navigator and click on Account Filter.

Fill in the filters with the information of the companies you already work with.

A list of prospects will appear. Click on the three small dots to the right of the profile, the View Similar button appears.

On the new page that appears, you will automatically scroll down to the “also see” accounts section. These are companies that are similar to the clients you have.

Click Save and add the accounts to your lists.

You have access to your lists directly from the Sales Navigator menu.

☝️ Tips: To further refine your searches, you can use the Boolean search on Linkedin Sales Navigator.
Export similar companies to a Google Sheet document
Are you done with your research? To start your prospecting campaigns, you need to export your new list of prospects. For this, you can use Derrick, which exports LinkedIn account data to a Google Sheet document.
Build Leads Lists in Seconds !
Install on Google Sheet : Import, Find & Enrich (with email) Leads & Companies in minutes.
Start Now and get 200 leads for free !
Once the app is installed on your search engine, start importing your leads from your lists ⬇️
Your customer file is now complete. This document can be integrated on your prospecting campaign automation tools.
Do you have any questions? Don’t hesitate to ask us in comments ⬇️